There is a few ways to make gold in the game.
1. Like you have tried mindless farming over and over and over it all adds ups, but can quickly get old.
2. Farming the materials for Consets (Armor of Salvation, Grail of Might, and Essence of Celerity). Then making the set and selling it in Temple of Ages for around 6.5k a set or farm the mats and sell materials in stacks most frequent sellers for materials for consets are Stacks of Feathers, Iron, and Dust
3. Getting Lucky. Being the one to find that rare weapon and sell it.
4. Powertrade. Once you have use the smaller farms to get a decent amount of gold. Powertrading becomes an option. Buy Low, Sell High.
Example: Buy Elite Monk Tome 9k, Sell Elite Monk Tome 10k
That is just a small example better items like Ambraces can add up money faster then smaller things like tome
Thats pretty much the basics of money making in Guildwars.